Saturday, July 18, 2009

Worldwide Photowalk

Today, July 18, 2009, was the second annual photowalk but first time for me. I met with a nice bunch of photographers in San Juan Capistrano, CA and we strolled around for 2 hours shooting. Always nice to meet others who share your passion. Here's a sample of my shots.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Amy and Jason took me to their very private secret spot in the woods (just down the street from their home). In truth, it was a little patch about 400 sq. feet.. but to them it was wonderland. I felt very very privileged to be granted access to their sanctuary.. and I will NEVER divulge its secrets. I asked them to pose for me.. and it took a moment for them to settle down.. on top of their buried treasure. I'll never ever ever EVER tell.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

I have always, always, always loved trains. This train station in Hoboken, NJ is a beauty. But there is nothing more exciting than being ON the train headed to a new adventure.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Monday Blues

Nothing wrong with blue. I like it a lot actually.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Summer Boy

Great summer recipe: a softball game, a barbecue, a hot humid day, kids and a watermelon.

The Morning Light

Early morning on the 4th of July, I opened the vertical blinds in my kitchen and the sun shot through the cobalt blue bottle that I had left on the counter the night before. I twisted the bottle around, fascinated with the electric blue "shadows" that it cast on the white laminate surface. Thinking it might look even better if I added some complementary color, I grabbed the small orange cut-glass I picked up in Prague and added it to the path of the light. A little spill of water for some added reflection, and my still life was complete. Shot with a Canon XTi, ISO100, 24-105mm lens @ 105mm, f/7.1 @125 sec.